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Child Custody And Visitation In San Antonio

When couples get divorced or otherwise end their relationships, one of the main areas they focus on might be how to divide child custody. This can include both physical custody – where the child lives – and legal custody, or the right to make decisions for the child. Courts can assign sole custody in either area, or they can use joint custody to give these rights to both parents.

I know how complex this process can be. I am attorney Mark Darling, and I have more than two decades of valuable experience in Texas family law. At my San Antonio firm, I focus on communication with my clients in every case, and I seek creative solutions while keeping a close eye on even the smallest details.

Can Parents Create Their Own Custody Arrangement?

Yes, if you and your spouse can work together, you may be able to agree on how to divide custody, when to use visitation and many other factors. This keeps the decision-making power in your own hands.

However, if the two of you cannot agree and a custody battle results, then you may need a court ruling. The court can issue an order that both you and the child’s other parent have to follow. If you share legal custody, you still have to work together to make key decisions on the child’s behalf.

How Does The Court Decide?

Courts typically try to rule in line with the child’s best interests. These can be determined by looking at factors such as:

  • The child’s gender and age
  • The parental roles before the divorce
  • The parents’ ability and physical and mental health
  • Each parent’s living situation
  • The child’s medical needs
  • Relationships with extended family members
  • Social and cultural considerations

Each case is unique, and each custody ruling will be decided on its own merits.

Call Now For A Consultation

If you are involved in a custody dispute and need an experienced child custody attorney, call 210-987-5054 or use the online contact form to set up a consultation. Your future – and your child’s – hangs in the balance, so contact me to start exploring your legal options.